Ran Kafri

picture of Ran Kafri

Post-doctoral research fellow at the systems Biology Dept, Harvard Medical School

Under supervision of: Prof. Galit Lahav and Prof. Marc Kirschner


Research Interests (see below)

Genetic Redundancy

genetic circuit Responsive backup circuits.

Kafri et. al. Cell. 2009
Kafri et. al P.N.A.S. 2008
Kafri et. al. P.N.A.S. 2006
Kafri et. al. Nat Genet. 2005

Cell Growth

genetic circuit genetic circuit

Tzur A*, Kafri R*, LeBleu VS, Lahav G, Kirschner MW. Science. 2009
* These authors contributed equally to this work

Signal Transduction

genetic circuit

Segmentation of HeLa cells
Performed with EnsembleThresher
Developed by Ran Kafri with Galit Lahav and Marc Kirschner.